Crystal Palace crest history

The badge above is the current crest of Crystal Palace. They are currently having a vote on a new badge at Selhurst Park, an idea which always seems to be ripe for being hijacked by rival fans to me. Therefore not surprisingly they are playing it safe with all four of the variants being Eagles, the nickname that has become synonymous with the club. It hasn't always been this way though, as they were known as the Glaziers up until 1973.
The 1935-36 season was the first one in which the team wore a crest of any description and this was the initials of the club at a time when they still wore claret and blue.

The next badge change for Palace came in 1955 when they introduced a badge with a facade of the place that they are named after, Crystal Palace (obviously).

In 1964 Crystal Palace played Real Madrid in a friendly to open their floodlights. After this they decided to wear all white for a couple of seasons and with it and for some reason changed their badge to a red and blue shield.

The change didn't have them playing like Real Madrid though, so in 1967 they changed back to claret and blue and decided just to have their name embroidered on the shirts.

1972 saw a 'proper' badge introduced, a rather modernist looking effort with the clubs nickname of the time 'the Glaziers' appearing on it. This badge was short-lived though as things were to change again just one year later.

In 1973 Malcolm Allison arrived at the club with some new ideas. It's starnge to think that the stereotype of managers in the 60s and 70s is of hard, no nonsense working class blokes, and in a sense they were. This wasn't to say that they weren't adverse to poncing around with club badges and shirts though. Oh, no. Shankley introduced red shorts to Liverpool, Jack Charlton introduced the white panel to the Middlesbrough shirt and Allison got rid of 'the Glaziers' and found 'the Eagles' more awe inspiring. It might be a bit poncey, but perhaps they got their way because they were hard not like today's managers who have to buy whoever their oil rich chairman says and who are told what the kit is by Nike et al. Anyway, I digress, Palace were now the Eagles and for the first time the badge had an eagle on it.

One further change happened in 1987 when the Crystal Palce was also introduced to the badge and the eagle was swooping rather than spread as in the 1973 version.

The current badge at the top of the page was introduced in 2006, one year after the club's centenary. It looks like it's going to be upgraded again soon, nobody knows what the badge will be yet, but it will definitely have an eagle on it.