A trip to the GER ground

Last night I made my first trip to March Town United's GER Ground. Pictured above is their stand with a couple of players. I took my camera but the light was so bad I had to make do with grabbing this one.
The ground was opened in 1923 and is certainly showing its age, although for someone who has visited numerous lower division East European grounds it held a certain amount of charm and the locals were friendly enough, although not that numerous and there seemed to be more people from Ely there.
The stand was wooden and a bit worm eaten and obviously posed a bit of a fire hazard as there were signs advising against smoking within 40 feet of it. Sitting in the stand for a night game was a bit of a weird experience too, as the lighting in the stand seemed to be stronger than the amp-age of the floodlights, which gave you the feeling that you were watching the game on TV in the dark apart from in reverse.
The facilities were also lacking for fans there was a little kiosk selling tea, chocolate and badges, but no club house, which I thought was compulsory at this level. However in the past they had been able to use the social club over the road, but something happened and now they aren't, so that was your lot, but with a threadbare crowd it didn't really matter. There was also only one toilet (women's) and the Ely players may have felt aggrieved that they got locked out of the dressing room at half-time and had to sit it out on the pitch. They did have a turnstile but I think that we were a bit early and instead a guy came round asking for our £4s and giving out the free programmes. So although I have heard several moans about the GER from ground hoppers and er... Gorleston fans, you have to remember it might be a bit rough and ready and have seen better days, but how many Eastern Counties League clubs charge £4 in and throw in a programme?